Camera Repairs

Used Cameras

We Repair Cameras
From the earliest cameras to the most modern, they’re all complex mechanisms with tiny screws, gears, and fussy specialized precision parts. But we can fix any camera you can bring us—well, almost any one. Sometimes it only means straightening, cleaning, or re-aligning the original parts to give your camera new life. If we need to replace a part, we have, or can get, parts from most major manufacturers. But from time to time we make a part from scratch ourselves. Call us your camera whisperer.
To do this requires many special tools, expert hands-on knowledge, and persistence. We’ve been the same small highly skilled shop for more than 40 years. Your camera will get personalized, in-house care, a rare gem in an age of mega stores and throw-away culture.
Beyond repairs
We sell quality used film and digital cameras that have been restored, refurbished, and checked thoroughly.
We also can rescue old recordings—home movies, video and/or audio, and transfer them to a variety of modern digital formats.